
The Sekct constituted a reptilian sentient species that originated on the planet Marca.

Biology and appearance

Sekct were diminutive reptilian beings, resembling lizards, characterized by two prominent eyes positioned at the front of their heads, enabling stereoscopic vision. They lacked visible external ears. Their bodies featured elongated tails, employed for maintaining equilibrium during bipedal locomotion. The forelimbs of the Sekct possessed two double-jointed segments, culminating in hands with six digits. This unique anatomy granted them exceptional dexterity, facilitating intricate tasks. Their integument exhibited a color spectrum ranging from deep muddy brown to pale tan, with a tendency for the skin to lighten as they grew older. Being amphibious, they possessed webbed feet, allowing for comfortable existence both in aquatic and terrestrial environments.

The Sekct reproduced through parthenogenesis, indicating that all individuals were female. For [reproduction](/article/reproduction-legends], a Sekct would deposit a single egg biennially. The inherent instability of their genetic structure resulted in frequent mutations, causing offspring to differ from their progenitors. However, this genetic volatility also rendered the eggs fragile, with a fifty percent failure rate in hatching.

Society and culture

They practiced a tribal way of life, procuring sustenance by hunting Marca's fauna using spears and clubs fashioned from animal bone. Each group of hunter-gatherers was governed by the most physically powerful female, known as "She-Who-Speaks." This leader held the responsibility of preserving the Sekct's oral history, known as the Ancient Words, which was an extensive poetic narrative recounting their species' past. The Sekct placed a high value on honor, and reneging on a promise or failing to uphold an obligation resulted in banishment from the tribe.

