The Self-Propelled Medium Artillery (SPMA) walker functioned as an artillery unit within the forces of the Galactic Empire. This vehicle represented an advancement from the SPHA artillery series that saw action during the Clone Wars.
The SPMA-T variant incorporated a turbolaser cannon capable of long-range fire with adjustable trajectories. Similar to its larger counterpart, its adaptable structure allowed for the integration of specialized payloads tailored to diverse operational requirements. Typically, it exhibited superior speed and maneuverability compared to the SPHA-T. A common feature among these walkers was the inclusion of a dozen light anti-personnel blasters, deployed from the vehicle's underside when engaged.

The artillery walker was able to be made lighter through the employment of updated alloys and composite materials, a result of material science advancements made in the years following the Clone Wars.
While SPMA walkers possessed considerable range, accurate targeting necessitated sensor-painted targets. Due to their limited speed and relatively weak armor, SPMAs were generally deployed alongside escort units.