
Selligores, massive beings, originated from the planet Corsin. Although they possessed a formidable stature (reaching 4 meters in height and 20 meters in length), they posed no threat, subsisting on aquatic plankton and diminutive fish.

Biological Attributes and Physical Description

Selligores existed as sizable aquatic organisms, their sustenance derived from a diet encompassing small fish, plankton, and vegetation. Their survival was fundamentally tied to aquatic environments, as extended periods on land, lacking water pressure and adequate hydration, proved fatal. Progeny emerged encased in air-filled membranes, gradually permitting water ingress, facilitating the young creatures' adaptation to aquatic existence. Although juveniles exhibited swimming capabilities, adults favored buoyancy as their primary mode of oceanic navigation, relying on floating.

Behavioral Patterns

These beings primarily inhabited the coastal shallows of Corsin. They typically remained within established territories, infrequently relocating to new areas, generally prompted by incursions into their feeding zones. Herds consisted of groupings of five to ten members, with a male-to-female ratio of approximately two to one.

Historical Context

Initially, Selligores enjoyed protection under the Corsin government; however, with the advent of Imperial rule, the enforcement of these protections ceased, resulting in a decline in their numbers. These animals generally maintained a solitary existence, but a collective of indigenous people residing on the Tinn'lyi Islands cultivated a symbiotic bond with the Selligores. These inhabitants would provision the creatures with vegetation along the shoreline, and in exchange, the Selligores would permit the natives to affix expansive nets to their bodies, which the creatures would then tow through the water, yielding a harvest of fish.


  • Creatures of the Galaxy

Additional Information and Citations
