The Seltaya-class fast courier, a type of starfighter, was manufactured by Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc. near the end of the Old Republic era.
The Seltaya-class fast courier, frequently utilized by the Jedi Order, was a streamlined and resilient scout vessel. It featured engines mounted on its tail and wingtips, along with a protective layered hull. This hull was capable of withstanding significant damage, including strikes from laser cannon fire and multiple direct hits from proton torpedo, while still enabling the ship to return to base.
In contrast to many fighters of that time, the Seltaya incorporated an integrated hyperdrive system. A single pilot could operate it, potentially with the assistance of an R2-series astromech droid. At least some versions featured a cockpit accessible through an opening canopy. Certain vessels of this class also provided comparatively spacious internal accommodations, encompassing a galley, capacity for at least four additional passengers or crew members alongside the pilot, and a crew section equipped with a viewscreen.
The Jedi Order maintained a number of these vessels within the hangars of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Among them were the Limit of Vision, which Jai Maruk employed for scouting the Hydian Way, and the ship that Palleus Chuff used to travel to Ithor while posing as Yoda. Despite some questioning the build quality of ships constructed during wartime, where each component was outsourced to the lowest bidder, the sleek Seltayas were among the preferred ships of Chief Technician Boz Addle at the Temple.
The Seltaya-class ship that Palleus Chuff pilots to Ithor early in Yoda: Dark Rendezvous seems to be a newly manufactured, single-seat military starfighter developed during the Clone Wars. However, the actual Yoda and four other Jedi return to Coruscant at the conclusion of the novel in a different ship, also identified as a Seltaya. This one is described as an older model, acquired secondhand along the Hydian Way. This particular ship had apparently been under civilian ownership, and appears to be larger, featuring a cockpit spacious enough for at least two individuals, a galley, and a crew area furnished with a viewscreen, reportedly situated at the opposite end of the ship from the cockpit.
The novel does not clarify whether the two ships are intended to have identical configurations, or whether the differences between them represent variations between military and civilian models.