Senate Hearing Chamber

The Senate Hearing Chamber, situated inside the Galactic Senate Building on the capital planet of Coruscant, was a sizable room used for governmental hearings. Unlike the much larger Galactic Senate Chamber, this chamber contained 20 levels, repulsorpods capable of accommodating hundreds of senators, and designated areas for journalists and spectators. It was noted that the room typically did not have large crowds, because of the types of meetings that were typically conducted there. Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight, once commented that Senate Hearing Chamber gatherings were generally "so dull" that "no one attended them."

However, there were exceptions. For instance, in 24 BBY, a highly publicized hearing occurred, during which witnesses gave testimony accusing the Jedi Order of purported transgressions against the Republic. On this occasion, the repulsorpods, seating areas, and walkways were filled not only with Senators and their aides, but also with representatives from the HoloNet news services and interested citizens of Coruscant. Kenobi, who was more familiar with its usual state, found the large attendance quite unexpected.

