Sevari Flashpistols, a specialized weapon, saw use and production by the Sevari people residing on Sevarcos II. This was because standard blaster weaponry proved to be less reliable, and at times, susceptible to power pack explosions. This unreliability stemmed from electrically charged airborne sand particles present during the intense sandstorms common to Sevarcos II.
The Flashpistols were refined and improved by the clans inhabiting the Northern Frontier. These weapons operated as muzzle-loaded projectile devices, launching spherical metal bullets propelled by an explosive powder charge. Each shot necessitated a reload, although variants incorporating two or even four barrel configurations were documented. Certain models also featured a cutlass blade affixed beneath the barrel, designed for engagements at close quarters.
The Twi'lek individual known as Koh'shak possessed and carried two Sevari Flashpistols.