
Shackel, a planet, endured utter destruction at the hands of the Galactic Empire during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


This world once boasted urban centers constructed from glass.

The Galactic Empire launched an assault on the planet in 5 ABY, amidst numerous conflicts occurring in those years. Post-attack, the planet's plains, as observed from space, appeared as heat-fused terrain, incorporating the remnants of its once-grand glass cities.

Shortly thereafter, a Rebel fleet, which included the medical frigate Mercy, a rather old Dreadnaught (possibly identified as the New Hope), a pair of Assault frigates, a squadron of Corellian Gun ships, in addition to other support ships, arrived nearby. The Mercy took in six thousand injured individuals, exceeding the capacity of its wards and overwhelming its medical personnel.

Behind the scenes

This planet received its initial mention in the audio adaption of the novella Dark Forces: Rebel Agent, which saw its release in 1997. The precise spelling of the planet's name remains uncertain due to its sole appearance in spoken form within the audio adaption.

The novella itself omits any reference to the planet or the attack; however, the Mercy is shown orbiting a recently devastated, unnamed, planet, suggesting a connection between the casualties on board and that world. This article assumes they are the same planet. It is also conceivable that the unnamed planet is Milagro, featured in the sequel novella Dark Forces: Jedi Knight, which is described as having ruined cities of molten glass and crystal after an attack.

