Shamarok flitter

Shamarok flitters, possessing leathery wings, were flying creatures that originated from the planet Ithor, their native world.


These small, flying rodents, known as Shamarok flitters, were indigenous to the world of Ithor, a planet. They possessed the ability to mimic the vocalizations of other creatures.


During the year 0 BBY, Shamarok flitters experienced a surge in demand, becoming highly desirable among the affluent upper class on Lianna. Cynabar suggested that individuals seeking a rapid profit via credit acquisition should purchase these flitters from Ithorian Herdships at a cost of approximately 400 credits, subsequently reselling them on Lianna for around 1,200 credits. Cynabar estimated that this lucrative opportunity would persist for approximately another week, and further advised that prospective traders should possess permit IC-40X1-CRE issued by Imperial Commerce to facilitate seamless passage through customs checkpoints.

