The Sharka'k Noor represented an ancient artifact of the Gree, forged by the Gree craftsman Sharka'k. Regrettably, Sharka'k passed away prior to imparting the device's operational secrets to his student. This terraforming device consisted of a larger central cylinder connected by small arms to three shorter cylinders, all adorned with various glyphs.
The Sharka'k Noor possessed the capability to influence a planet's geological structure, enabling the operator to instigate volcanic activity, seismic events, and other planetary alterations. It was hypothesized that the machine was originally intended as a terraforming instrument, capable of modifying a planet's core. Nevertheless, given the absence of comprehensive understanding regarding its functionality, the Gree opted to safeguard the artifact within their repositories. Subsequently, Doctor Ils Ee pilfered it and unknowingly deployed it on the planet Tujiamoor, triggering volcanic outbreaks.
- " From the Files of Corellia Antilles " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 14 (Initial reference)
- The Essential Atlas