
Shaupauts, also known as shaupats, were carnivorous marsupials that were originally from the Gungan swamps located on Naboo. The greater shaupaut was a larger variation of this species.


A female carries her young.

To capture avians, rodents, and other small creatures, shaupauts would hang from branches in the swamps, using their lengthy, hooked talons. Despite having a small mouth, they utilize their claws to break down their prey into smaller, more manageable pieces. These creatures were most active during the times of dusk and twilight. Their large eyes enabled them to see in low-light conditions. Additionally, they possessed sensitive whiskers that aided in maintaining balance.

Female shaupauts typically gave birth to a larger number of offspring than they could adequately nourish with milk, leading to the death of the weaker ones. The young would seek shelter inside their mother's pouch, remaining there until they matured and eventually ventured onto her stomach and back. A potent alkyl found in their blood serves as a defense mechanism against predators, as it is poisonous to the majority of their natural enemies. The Gungans frequently extract and refine this alkyl because of its effectiveness as a bleaching agent.

Some individuals kept them as domesticated animals. One example is a Wookiee member of the New Republic Senate who owned a shaupaut as a pet.


Back in 1 ABY, Vance Groten enlisted agents from the RSF to get rid of Blot's group of wild, aggressive shaupauts to safeguard the residents of Dee'ja Peak.

