Sic-Six-layer cake

Sic-Six-layer cake was a dessert created by the spider-like Sic-Six race originating from the world of Sisk. This cake consisted of six layers, with colors spanning the spectrum from infrared to ultraviolet. You could find it being served at Dex's Diner located on Coruscant, priced at 2.7 credits.

Behind the scenes

This fictional food item is a play on words and an allusion to the actual Layer cake.


  • Dining at Dex's on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available) (Mentioned only)
  • "Dining at Dex's: The Story Behind the Story" — Narb Flick Created Leffingites — Gregory Walker's Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)

Notes and references
