Training simulator machines called simulator pods were employed by the Galactic Empire as a means of educating Imperial cadets. These devices, resembling the spherical cockpit of a TIE fighter, served to evaluate cadets through simulated combat scenarios and instructional exercises. Skystrike Academy was one location where multiple simulator pods were present.
A simulator pod, held in place by tractor beam projectors between two supports, provided a complete recreation of a TIE fighter cockpit interior. However, instead of transparisteel viewports, it used holographic displays. Furthermore, the experience of piloting a TIE fighter, including atmospheric disturbances and gravitational effects, was replicated through the use of audio, vibration, and gravity technologies. A network of twelve pods enabled pilots to practice as a squadron, with an instructor monitoring their advancement. The instructor had the ability to select from a variety of simulated mission profiles.
Besides being located at Imperial Academies, simulator pods were also a common feature on Imperial-class Star Destroyers, providing pilots on active duty with a way to hone their abilities during periods of inactivity.