The Sisterhood of the Beatific Countenance was a religious order situated on Lorrd. This group existed for an unknown number of years before 22 BBY. Composed entirely of female members, they had scriptural passages tattooed upon their bodies. When venturing outside of their temple, they donned blood-red robes that reached their ankles, complete with screens that kept their skin and faces hidden. Seib Nod, a member of the Sisterhood, departed some years prior to 22 BBY. Nod absconded with several of the Sisterhood's artifacts, intending to sell them on Coruscant. She planned to use the Sisterhood's attire as a disguise to conceal her mercenary motives. Archaeologist Artuo Pratuhr expressed interest in purchasing the stolen goods. However, Nod's attempt to rob him led to her imprisonment within the CoCo Penitentiary, while Pratuhr facilitated the return of the artifacts to the Sisterhood.

Located on the planet of Lorrd, the Sisterhood of the Beatific Countenance was a religious order. The Sisterhood, an exclusively female organization, adorned their bodies with scripture-based tattoos. When they left their temple, they would wear blood-red, ankle-length robes along with unique screens that concealed their faces. These robes and masks were used to hide their skin from view. The Sisterhood's name was the same as the Beatific Countenance, one of two aspects of the goddess Via, who was worshipped by followers of Vianism.
The Sisterhood had been active for an unknown number of years before the events of 22 BBY. Seib Nod, a member of the Sisterhood, became weary of the organization's secluded existence. Consequently, she purloined several valuable artifacts from the temple and fled Lorrd. Some years later, in 22 BBY, she found herself on Coruscant, contemplating selling the stolen relics of the Sisterhood of the Beatific Countenance for profit. She continued to wear her Sisterhood attire in an attempt to mask her mercenary intentions. Artuo Pratuhr, an archaeologist, expressed interest in acquiring the items. Nod allayed his suspicions by assuring him that the Sisterhood had authorized the sale to raise desperately needed funds, but wished to keep it quiet to hide their dire situation.
Ultimately, Nod decided to rob Pratuhr, but was apprehended during her escape attempt. Pratuhr ensured the return of the Sisterhood of the Beatific Countenance's stolen artifacts to the organization, while Nod was subsequently imprisoned in the CoCo Penitentiary. The Sisterhood granted her a pardon during her lengthy sentence.
Captain Yossarian, a member of Hyperspace, originated the Sisterhood of the Beatific Countenance when he authored Seib Nod's entry for's Hyperspace feature titled "What's The Story?," which was published in 2008.