Sith burial shroud

A Sith burial shroud was a fabric covering used to dress Sith mummified remains for the funeral rite.


Frequently, Sith shrouds were adorned with spells and inscriptions rendered in Sith hieroglyphic writing. Garments referred to as "Wraps of Frost" functioned as these shrouds, soaking up the deceased's malevolent energy and accumulating power from it across vast stretches of time.

In the year 24 ABY, Luke Skywalker discovered a fragment of a Sith shroud alongside the Book of Sith, which had belonged to Emperor Palpatine.

Behind the scenes

A reproduced piece of a Sith burial shroud was included as one of the five detachable relics contained within the deluxe version of Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side.


  • Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side

Notes and references
