The Sith interceptor, alternatively referred to as the Sith fighter, was a starfighter that comprised the main fighting force of Darth Revan's and Darth Malak's fleet during the time of the Jedi Civil War.

The Sith fighter's design and construction integrated a variety of technologies, uniquely originating from the Rakatan Star Forge space-based shipyard and not traceable to any known worlds' products. This single-pilot fighter, designed without consideration for the pilot's comfort or safety, included a forty kilograms cargo capacity and supplies for one day. Created for agility, small size, and light weight, the fighter's hull integrity and life support systems were intentionally kept minimal. Though not required, many pilots chose to wear a full spacesuit due to the high probability of ejection from a damaged craft.
Propulsion was achieved via a prototype twin ion drive system of Rakatan origin—unique to this design—enabling speeds up to 1,250 km/h. The power generated by the dual engines and thrusters resulted in maneuverability bordering on instability, necessitating that a significant portion of the central chassis be dedicated to managing the reactor core for optimal functionality.
The Sith fighter was characterized by a compact, stocky body housing the cockpit and essential systems. A distinctive feature of this design was its ability to fold its wings and deactivate its weapon systems while docked or during extended travel to conserve energy. Upon engaging in combat, the wings would extend, reaching a maximum length of 7 meters, and the laser cannons, positioned at each wingtip, would become operational. This configuration provided a wide firing arc, while its minimal forward and rear profiles made it a difficult target.
The Star Forge's production capabilities facilitated the mass production of the Sith fighter. Its versatile design allowed for dense packing within the cargo holds of its mothership, the Centurion-class battlecruiser, and rapid deployment immediately after the carrier exited hyperspace.
The Sith fighter made its initial appearance when Malak and Revan returned to the Republic as conquerors following the Mandalorian Wars. While their fleet included captured Republic capital ships, the Sith fighters, manufactured by the Star Forge, constituted the majority of their forces. Their compact design allowed for easy storage, enabling even a single mothership to deploy large numbers of them into battle. Their rapid deployment capabilities made them a formidable first strike weapon.