Skakoan religion

This intricate religion was observed by those known as the Skakoans. The Book of the Boolmide served as their revered scripture, while the Power Mounds of the Elders situated on Skako represented their primary sacred location. The Elders held the position of high priests within their society. Clongor held the role of the foremost Elder during the time of the Clone Wars.

A significant relic within the Skakoan faith was the Eye of the Albino Cyclops (possibly symbolic), accessible only to a specific person (such as Wat Tambor). As stated in the Book of the Boolmide, when the Elders recited its contents at the Power Mounds, with a chosen individual present, that person would be transported to the "Gates of Grontessiant," a superior realm of being. In that realm, if deemed worthy, the being would encounter the Four See Seers of the Cyclops and their Lord Being belonging to the Swirblies. Only following a purification process conducted by them would the being be permitted to approach the Albino Cyclops.

