Skills test

2x18 young ewoks Princess Kneesaa, Latara, and Teebo are depicted here, in conversation about their successful completion of skills tests.

Prior to embarking on a particular vocation within Bright Tree Village, each young member of the Ewok tribe had to undergo a Skills Test. The results of this test were then carefully considered by the Ewok Council of Elders, who subsequently determined the most suitable career path for the young Ewok. This Skills Test represented a significant rite of passage in an Ewok's early life, and its successful completion was a joyous occasion.

During the time of the Rebellion era, several Ewoks of note successfully navigated the Skills Test. Among them were Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, who would eventually become the future Chief; Latara, who went on to apprentice as a hoodmaker; Teebo, who pursued training to become a wizard; and the youthful scout Wicket Wystri Warrick, who began an apprenticeship as a warrior.

