Skip 52, situated in the Smuggler's Run, was an asteroid characterized by perpetual, turbulent rock storms. These storms rendered landing a ship on its surface a challenging endeavor.
During the time of the Galactic Civil War, this asteroid became the site of a substantial ryll cargo theft. This cargo was originally intended for delivery to a medical facility operated by the Alliance. Both the Rebel Alliance and the Imperial Security Bureau deployed their respective operatives to locate the missing shipment. The ISB was successful in discovering its location first, and a team of ISB operatives, supported by shadow stormtroopers, was sent to the asteroid. There, they launched an ambush, killing the smugglers who had originally stolen the ryll. Blackhole himself monitored the operation via hologram from his mechno-assembly. As the ISB agents began to secure the ryll containers, the Alliance agents searching for the shipment arrived on the scene. The ISB forces, already weakened from their earlier battle with the smugglers, fought fiercely nonetheless. With no possibility of retreat, they fought until their deaths. The battle concluded with a victory for the Rebels, resulting in the complete elimination of the ISB force. Blackhole's mechno-assembly sustained damage during the conflict, but he managed to vow retribution against the Rebels before his hologram disappeared. The primary Alliance forces, under the command of Wedge Antilles, believed they had won and departed the asteroid. The remaining smugglers, Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, commenced the process of securing the shipment. However, a few hours later, another ISB team arrived, having independently discovered the ryll's location. The remaining Rebels and smugglers were outmatched and had no chance in the ensuing firefight. Consequently, they boarded the Millennium Falcon and escaped with only a small number of ryll crates. Ultimately, the bulk of the shipment fell into the possession of the ISB.