Skirmish aboard the Nanda's Luck

The battle on the Nanda's Luck occurred when the fishing boat Nanda's Luck was assaulted by the pirates who sailed aboard the Majestic.

Despite being heavily outmatched with a three-to-one disadvantage, the Nanda's Luck crew fought with intense ferocity. The conflict concluded with the arrival of Pyash Yopayomba, the pirate leader, into the conflict. Being a very skilled combatant, she slew approximately two dozen sailors and overcame Sissalik in a ten-second duel. Following the acceptance of Captain Bipopa Bogzider's surrender, she dispatched him with her vibroblade and then instated Sissalik as the new captain of the Nanda's Luck.


  • "Ando: Planet of the Walrus Men" on (content now obsolete; backup link) (First mentioned)
