
Skreegs, diminutive mammalian humanoids originating from the jungle moon Yavin 4, possessed certain characteristics. These beings exhibited short, flattened, ape-like heads, notable for their sizable eyes and abbreviated snouts. Elongated limbs were a defining feature, and their claws were their sole means of self-defense in the natural world. Their bodies were partly covered in hair, with coloration varying across a spectrum from creamy hues to shades of brown. As herbivores, skreegs formed small colonies, establishing themselves across the forested landscapes of their planet of origin. Known for their aggressive nature, they perceived the arrival of other humanoid beings as an intrusion upon their domain, reacting with fierce combat to safeguard their territory.

Following the Battle of Yavin, the Exar Kun cultists managed to domesticate a specific skreeg, known as Mother Luresh, which they then employed in the defense of the Temple of Exar Kun.

