Skywalker Technical Maintenance Service

The supposed workers from Skywalker Technical Maintenance Service are seen standing in a doorway, paying no attention to the energy lathe they had guaranteed to repair.

Skywalker Technical Maintenance Service was a fictitious enterprise concocted by the droids C-3PO and R2-D2. They used it as a false identity while attempting to avoid detection by Imperial stormtroopers in the streets of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine.

Following the Battle of Tatooine, the two droids had made their escape from their starship, the Tantive IV, and Imperial forces had been relentlessly pursuing them. The Imperials were after the strategically crucial Death Star Plans that had been concealed within R2-D2 during the battle's closing moments. As a result of a Command Control Instruction, R2-D2 had sought out the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, bringing along C-3PO and Luke Skywalker, the Tatooine farm boy who had become the droids' owner. To get the plans to the Rebel Alliance, Kenobi escorted Skywalker and the droids to Mos Eisley with the intention of hiring a starship to leave the planet.

While the two humans were in the process of arranging the sale of Skywalker's X-34 landspeeder, the two droids were left to proceed to the spaceport's Docking Bay 94 on their own. The streets teemed with Stormtroopers searching for them, and they discovered that the docking bay's entrance was secured. Ignoring his companion's objections, Artoo-Detoo knocked on a nearby door. The shop's owner answered, and Artoo informed him that the droids were there to perform maintenance. See-Threepio translated and then spontaneously invented the company's name.

Threepio informed the proprietor that the newly established company was conducting a promotional campaign. He stated that its employees were supposedly going door to door, offering to freely repair, recalibrate, and inspect the systems of any equipment specified. To add further urgency, Threepio emphasized that it was a limited-time offer. The first and only customer of Skywalker Technical Maintenance Service accepted the offer. He directed the two droids to service an energy lathe that was malfunctioning. He left them to work independently and departed from his shop on an errand.

The two droids noticed that stormtroopers were still systematically searching the area. They secured the door by closing and locking it, waiting for the troopers to pass. Upon reopening the door, they observed Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi heading towards Docking Bay 94. Reunited with their new owner, the two employees of Skywalker Technical Maintenance Service abandoned the task they had committed to, without even attempting to improve the energy lathe's unsatisfactory condition.

Skywalker Technical Maintenance Service was a very small enterprise. Its workforce consisted solely of one astromech droid and one protocol droid. It was, in fact, so small that its presumed chief executive—Luke Skywalker—was probably unaware of its very existence.

