The sling, a basic weapon, was utilized to launch either metallic projectiles or stones. Typically, its construction involved leather and cord materials. The Ewoks were known for their use of these weapons, with Asha, a female Ewok warrior, being one such user. Another Ewok, Treek, made use of slings to launch the restorative substance fektur towards allies.
A Stereb character from Prak City, specifically named Herdr'tui, was also a sling user.
Dathomiri rancors, which possessed a degree of sentience, had the capability to craft and operate simple tools, which included slings.
Jar Jar Binks is shown retrieving a booma within a sling during the Battle of Naboo Furthermore, the Gungans employed slings to launch medium-sized boomas that were too large for use with cestas and atlatls, yet too small for launching from catapults, an instance of which was observed during the Battle of Naboo.