
The Sludir were reptilian sentient beings who originated on Sluudren. These imposing figures possessed two arms, six legs, and a robust, armored shell. For countless years, they thrived without sophisticated technology, their society governed by the proud warrior caste. This existence was disrupted when offworlders discovered Sluudren, leading to the Galactic Empire's conquest of their planet and the subsequent enslavement of the Sludir.

Biological Traits and Physical Attributes

Sludir were characterized by their six short, sturdy legs, each ending in flat, circular feet. These feet featured three toes, tipped with short, blunt claws. They also possessed two arms, terminating in hands with two fingers and an opposable thumb-like digit. Their heads were distinguished by elongated, substantial snouts featuring four nostrils and a mouth with a perpetual sneer revealing their teeth.

Despite their reptilian nature, Sludir sported thick manes of hair on their heads, and some grew beards. They typically styled their hair in braids or other tied arrangements.

A Sludir, alongside a S'kytri, a Skakoan, and a Skrilling for height comparison

The torsos and backs of adult Sludir were shielded by thick, shell-like plates. These plates were believed to be composed of a chitinous substance secreted from skin pores as they aged. This natural armor offered protection against physical trauma, though it proved ineffective against blaster weaponry. Sludir held their armor in high regard and used a pasty substance called "Sludir soap" to repair cracks caused by injury or age.

The Sludir's violent society led to the development of a unique gestation process. Pregnant females could induce a state of stasis in their fetuses, slowing biological functions to a near standstill. The fetus's brain remained alive through the provision of nutrients and blood, allowing it to remain in this state for nearly a year. This ability was commonly used by pregnant females in dangerous situations, allowing them to postpone birth until a safer time.

Social Structure and Cultural Practices

A Sludir warrior

Sludir culture evolved from primitive tribal beginnings into a complex, caste-based feudal system. The various nations of Sluudren were each divided into three distinct castes. The warrior caste, composed of soldiers, rulers, and fighters, held the highest position. Artisans, possessing specialized technical skills such as stoneworking, were ranked below them. The worker caste, who followed the instructions of artisans and warriors, formed the lowest tier. Sub-castes existed within these three major divisions, including warrior couriers who delivered messages between kings and commanders, and artisan storytellers who preserved the Sludir's oral history.

All Sludir castes valued honor in combat. They considered battle to be the ultimate test of a Sludir's strength and value. Their legal system was based on trials by combat, kings could be overthrown by defeat in duels, and soldiers could advance in rank by killing their commanding officers. Sludir warriors abhorred trickery in battle, and considered fleeing, hiding, or even taking cover to be dishonorable. Their warrior code also favored close combat over ranged weapons like spears or bows. After exposure to advanced technology, blasters were discouraged, but powered melee weapons like force pikes or vibro-axes were deemed acceptable.

Sludir were born into their caste and trained for their societal role from a young age. They raised their children communally, sharing childcare responsibilities within their caste-clans. Before reaching adulthood, young Sludir had to complete a practical rite of passage.

Qesya Vth'naar

Young workers had to demonstrate their worth as laborers, while young artisans had to showcase their skills, such as by designing and constructing a structure. Young Sludir warriors were banished into the wilderness, forbidden to return without killing a beast.

Family ties and honor were central to Sludir culture. The dishonorable actions of a single Sludir could tarnish the reputation of their entire lineage. They also revered their ancestors and hoped to be venerated by their descendants. By continuing their family line, they ensured that their deeds would be remembered. In fact, dying without an heir was considered as dishonorable as cowardice in battle.

The Sludir never developed sophisticated machinery, engineering, or scientific knowledge. They also lacked a fully developed written language. While artisans used mathematical symbols and elaborate images to record information, most records were maintained as oral histories passed down through generations of storytellers. However, Sludir artisans excelled in stonemasonry, using stone to construct massive fortresses, paved roads, aqueducts, and elaborate monuments to deceased rulers. They viewed their stonework as a symbol of their strength and ability to shape their environment.


The first offworlders to encounter the Sludir were slavers who captured Sludir warriors patrolling far from their settlements. These slaver raids disrupted Sludir society, fragmented clans, and subjugated cities. The stone fortresses constructed by Sludir artisans and the warrior code of the Sludir rulers proved ineffective against advanced off-world technology. The distinctions between castes blurred as all Sludir became potential slaves.

When the Galactic Empire formally seized control of Sluudren, the Sludir were officially designated as a slave species. A garrison was stationed on Sluudren to ensure a steady supply of slaves. Sludir were confined to cities, awaiting transport to slave pens and labor camps on distant planets.

A Sludir working as a cargo-handler.

Sludir slaves were dispersed throughout the galaxy. Some were treated as beasts of burden by the Empire and Imperial-licensed slavers. Others were acquired by criminal organizations, where they fought in gladiatorial contests or served as enforcers. These gladiators and enforcers often rose to positions of power, becoming bodyguards or underbosses for crime lords. Some, like the slaver Quintik Kahr and his brother Omze'kehr Kahr, even became crimelords themselves.

Unlike many enslaved species under the Empire, few Sludir joined the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. However, a free Sludir coalition existed with the goal of liberating their people, but it operated independently of the Rebellion, primarily within criminal networks.

Some Sludir did join the Alliance, motivated by revenge against slavers and the Empire. Others joined simply for refuge. Sludir often struggled within the Alliance due to conflicts between their warrior code and its organization and practices. They found promotions and commendations less meaningful than their own sense of honor earned through battle, and were unable to follow their tradition of advancing by defeating superiors in combat. Despite these challenges, many Rebel Sludir developed strong bonds with their comrades.

After the Empire's collapse, the Sludir regained control of their homeworld. Their new planetary government was a fragile alliance, dominated by Sludir who had achieved success in the galactic underworld. While many freed Sludir returned to Sluudren, a significant number left again, disillusioned by its condition.

Common Sludir Names

  • Chyanlev
  • Dukarz
  • Jyzatch
  • Kaylorz
  • Opolzur
  • Ryzrytch
  • Shume
  • Webyllus
  • Zanjast Rahm

