The Solo Slingshot represents a tactical procedure innovated by Han Solo amidst the Yuuzhan Vong War; it allowed a vessel to escape pursuing enemies through an unanticipated directional shift.
Solo, while en route to Bastion, experienced an ambush and subsequently piloted the Millennium Falcon directly towards a dovin basal at maximum velocity. By employing his exceptional piloting abilities to maintain command of his craft and cease its forward motion mere moments before impact with the gravitic anomaly, Solo leveraged the dovin basal's gravitational pull to seize the ship. The resulting action propelled the ship, in a "slingshot" fashion, away from the dovin basal and any chasing vessels that either lacked the skill to execute the maneuver or were not fortunate enough to find themselves on a course aligned with the ship's altered path.
A significant number of New Republic starships mastered this particular flying skill, thereby achieving a strategic advantage of unexpectedness, which lasted until the Yuuzhan Vong themselves started exploiting the tactic, notably around the period of the Bilbringi siege.