The Spawn Nebula, a nebulae situated in the Corva sector, was about a half-hour hyper-jump from Betha II.
The Spawn Nebula is the birthplace of the Slayers Three, a famous group of hunters who were active during the time of the Galactic War.
During the period of the Galactic Civil War, the Kaarenth Dissension kept a fleet within the Spawn Nebula, intending to deploy it against the New Republic in combat. Furthermore, Dissension forces built a space station there to ensure their ships were always prepared. Meres Ulcane, an individual affiliated with the Dissension, was located on Betha II by operatives of the New Republic, and subsequently escaped to the Spawn Nebula. The New Republic pursued him, leading to an engagement with the Kaarenth Dissension. This operation resulted in the annihilation of the repair station and a significant portion of the Dissension's naval forces.