Spice eel

Giant sand and rock burrowing worms, known as spice eels, originated from Sevarcos II. While the typical length of these creatures was 15 meters, certain older individuals could reach lengths exceeding 30 meters and heights of 5 meters. Their bodies featured robust ridges, which aided in their underground burrowing, and their mouths contained multiple molars that allowed them to tunnel through rock.

During their initial developmental phases, they inhabited the subterranean pools of Sevarcos. Following a sequence of transformations throughout their life cycle, they evolved into massive worms, burrowing through the permeable layers of Sevarcos II. Lacking eyesight, they depended on pressure-sensitive organs located in their heads. These organs enabled them to possess a strong sense of hearing and to detect vibrations, which helped them identify potential food sources. Consequently, they exhibited high sensitivity and could be easily deterred using sonic detonators or other high-powered explosive devices.

The activities within the Imperial spice mines on Sevarcos II frequently drew spice eels, and it was a regular occurrence for these creatures to cause destruction during mining endeavors. The Human Sevari tribes hunted spice eels to use them as a source of nourishment.

