Spotts TradeChip Company

Spotts TradeChip Company, situated in the Jrade District of Coruscant, was a manufacturer that produced collectible tradechips during the final years of the Galactic Republic.

Although the majority of their tradechips featured stars from smashball, bolo-ball, and podracing, they also created a controversial series of Jedi TradeChips in 22 BBY that portrayed well-known members of the Jedi Order. Similar to their sports-themed chips, this collection generated small holograms of the depicted Jedi, along with a concise biography and statistical data (such as their birth planet, midi-chlorian count, and the number of enemies they defeated).

Coleman Trebor, a Jedi Master, publicly opposed the tradechips on HoloNet News and tried to halt their distribution. His opposition stemmed partly from the Order's belief that merchandising the Jedi was "dishonoring the nature of the Force", and partly from the frequent inaccuracies in the tradechip information (for instance, incorrectly identifying Yoda as a member of the Lannik species and assigning him an incorrect midi-chlorian count of four million.)

Wil Jhonems, Spotts' marketing manager, disagreed with this sentiment. He argued that the Jedi were superior role models for children during the turbulent Separatist Crisis compared to professional athletes. He also defended the statistical inaccuracies, explaining that Spotts utilized the best available information without access to the Jedi Archives library.

Behind the scenes

Spotts is an almost perfect anagram of Topps, a trading card company that has released numerous Star Wars trading card sets.

The unreliable information presented on the tradechips, particularly the misidentification of Yoda's species and his midi-chlorian count, might be a subtle reference to the infamously inaccurate fansite operated by SuperShadow. SuperShadow also cited four million as Yoda's midi-chlorian count, although he identified Yoda as a Whill rather than a Lannik.

