Squeaky was a protocol droid notable for his mismatched silver and gold plating, giving him a patched-together look.
In 0 BBY, he was in the service of Captain Raymus Antilles aboard the Tantive IV. Following the capture of the ship above Tatooine, stormtroopers imprisoned him and subsequently dispatched him to the glitterstim mines located on Kessel. While there, he succeeded in commandeering a starship alongside a number of other droids.
Lacking the skills to pilot the vessel himself, Squeaky programmed the autopilot to engage terrain-following mode for a short distance before initiating an escape sequence. Unaware of the severity of Kessel's uneven terrain, he was taken aback when the programmed escape route led his group on a chaotic journey through the planet's winding canyons. After the escaping droids departed Kessel and scattered throughout the galaxy, the event became widely known as the "Runaway Droid Ride."
The intelligence that Squeaky demonstrated on Kessel eventually resulted in his manumission, granting him the freedom to live without a master or a restraining bolt. He eventually enlisted with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, taking on roles such as an X-wing ground control officer and a server at the Downtime cantina. Later in his service, he became the quartermaster for Wraith Squadron.
Squeaky possessed a disagreeable temperament, with Wedge Antilles observing that he was more verbally offensive than any other droid he had encountered. He was infamous for his rude remarks to customers at the Downtime and his constant arguments with Chewbacca during joint missions.