Ssi-ruuvi security droid

Security droids of the Ssi-ruuvi were a type of battle droid utilized by the reptilian Ssi-ruuk from the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium.


Ssi-ruuvi security droid

These droids bore a resemblance to an inflated R-series astromech droid. Like the vast majority of their technology, these security droids received their power from entechment, a process where the life-energy and awareness of a living being was extracted from its physical form to act as a power source for a machine.

The shape of these droids was spherical, with a height of only 0.8 meters. For locomotion, security droids used three wheeled legs and their coloration was a muted metallic green. As a result of entechment, they possessed a speed and nimbleness that belied their appearance. Their primary photoreceptor was connected to a Ssi-ruuk's visual capabilities which incorporated a portion of the ultraviolet spectrum. Olfactory sensors were also present on the droid, reflecting the significance of the sense of smell to the Ssi-ruuvi species. A collection of hexagonal power conduits was also located on the back of the spherical droid's upper hemisphere.

The security droid's main offensive capability was a close-range stun blaster, mounted on a rotating mechanism situated near the main body. The blaster's energy discharge had sufficient power to render a P'w'eck (a slave race forced into servitude by the Ssi-ruuvi early on) unconscious, though it could be lethal to Humans. However, these droids had poor insulation against electrical surges and ionization, which made them prone to short-circuiting when hit by another stun weapon.


A Ssi-ruuvi security droid.

During the 4 ABY invasion of Bakura, the Ssi-ruuvi deployed a number of these droids with their expeditionary forces. After the Ssi-ruuvi defeat at the hands of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the local Imperial troops, the New Republic seized the remaining droids and placed them in highly classified research facilities for analysis.

