Issue 25 of Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection is a bi-weekly magazine produced by De Agostini. As with every release, it features a die-cast collectible model and functions as a formally authorized source of Star Wars information, operating under the auspices of Lucas Licensing and the LucasBooks publishing group.
- Model vehicle: AT-TE
- Legendary Craft : The walker known as the AT-TE
- Action Stations : The Battle of Geonosis
- Welcome On Board : Mace Windu : Master of the Jedi Order
- Starship & Vehicle Directory : The SPHA-T : Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery - Turbolaser
- In Command : AT-TE walker
- Droids, Aliens & Creatures : Ki-Adi-Mundi : Cerean Jedi Master
- In A Galaxy Far, Far Away : Geonosis : the Petranaki Arena
- A Revolution In Film : Rob Coleman : Director of Animation
- Movie Magic :The AT-TE: stages of development
- Did You Know?
- Star Wars A–Z (I—Isard, Ysanne, Ishi Tib, Isolder)