Star Wars Insider number 188 represents the 166th edition of the Star Wars Insider periodical and marks the ninety-sixth issue released under the banner of Titan Magazines. Its release date was March 20, 2019.
Star Wars Insider number 188 presses onward with our countdown toward the culmination of the Skywalker Saga, presenting a comprehensive examination of the prequel trilogy's concluding installment—Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith! Furthermore, we chronicle the evolution of Star Wars board games, spanning from Kenner's "Destroy the Death Star" to Fantasy Flight's deeply engaging RPG; delve deeper into the character of General Grievous, and provide a specialized manual for optimizing your experience at Star Wars Celebration 2019. Featuring breaking news, thorough articles, and exclusive discussions, Star Wars Insider serves as your portal to a galaxy far, far away.
" The Power of Love: Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith " (authored by Tricia Barr)
" The Grievous Growl " (penned by Amy Ratcliffe) Insider investigates the process by which Matthew Wood lent his voice to the cybernetic antagonist, General Grievous!