Starveil (starship)

Starveil was an exploratory starship utilized by the Galactic Republic.


As part of the Starveil Project, the Starveil was assigned to Bethanie Melan, a one-time commander of the Republic Navy, in 4067 BBY, and dispatched to the Luire system. The publicly stated goals of this project involved exploration and the search for alien life. Nonetheless, the real objective was to locate a missing experimental Republic naval ship last seen in the vicinity of the Luire system.

Upon reaching the Luire system, the Starveil commenced scanning operations to pinpoint the location of the lost vessel. While these scans yielded no definitive results, the starship's proximity to the planet Nyriaan revealed that the planet's unique magnetic and atmospheric conditions hindered orbital scanning. Melan opted to land the Starveil, notifying the Republic of her decision. Regrettably, the Starveil experienced a crash landing on Nyriaan, severing all subsequent communication with the Republic. In response, the Republic dispatched two rescue vessels to the Luire system to locate the Starveil. Their concluding report indicated that the Starveil was lost due to Nyriaan's magnetic field and that the entire crew had perished.

Contrary to this report, Melan and the majority of the Starveil's crew survived the crash. They became the initial settlers of Nyriaan, founding the Starveil settlement near the wreckage of their starship.


  • Galaxy of Intrigue (First mentioned)
