Stav Kesh, also recognized as the Temple of Martial Arts, held a position as one of the nine Je'daii Temples belonging to the Je'daii Order situated on the planet of Tython. This temple-city, constructed from sandstone, was erected on the slopes and summit of a mountain within the Ice Giant Range, a mountain range located on Tython's Kato Zakar continent. It was positioned above the burial site of the Tho Yor pyramid ship that carried the initial pilgrims to the Ice Giants in 36,453 BBY. Completed by the year 36,019 BBY, Stav Kesh served as a key location along the Great Journey undertaken by all Je'daii Journeyers. Its residents and Temple Master imparted knowledge of martial arts, weapon-based combat, and other combat techniques to all who visited the Temple.

Within the Ice Giant Range, a set of mountains on the Kato Zakar continent of the planet Tython, stood Stav Kesh, a sizable stone temple-city. The Je'daii Order constructed their temple structures near the peak, above the location where the Tho Yor pyramid starship that transported the first pilgrims to the Ice Giants in 36,453 BBY had become embedded in the mountains. The temple's main features included two substantial structures built into the mountain's side, characterized by flat tops and sloping sides, along with a cylindrical tower on the temple's right side. The upper exterior of Stav Kesh was largely comprised of open courtyards used for combat training.
Structures of sandstone were built ascending the mountain's slope, creating buttresses and cliffs of polished stone. Windows and balconies were spread across the mountain's surface. A waterfall cascaded down the mountain and through the city, and a very long staircase extended from the plains below to the temple's summit. Canvas shades for windows and colorful pennants were frequently seen, and the Force was notably strong at Stav Kesh. Beneath the Temple, a vast cave system existed, warmed by magma lakes, where the Je'daii cultivated hydroponic gardens for growing fruits and vegetables.

The Tho Yor Arrival occurred in 36,453 BBY, when the eight Tho Yor pyramid starships brought Force-sensitive philosophers, warriors, scientists, artists, and scholars of various species from across the galaxy to Tython, dispersing them across its surface. One Tho Yor journeyed to the Ice Giant Range on the continent of Kato Zakar, deposited its passengers, and then became embedded in the mountains. By 36,019 BBY, the Je'daii Order, as the pilgrims called themselves, had constructed Stav Kesh, or the Temple of Martial Arts. It became one of the nine Je'daii Temples built around or near the other seven Tho Yor, as well as the ninth and largest one. By this time, the Je'daii had established the Great Journey tradition, in which young Je'daii, known as Je'daii Journeyers, traveled across Tython, visiting each temple.
The inhabitants of Stav Kesh created the martial arts form known as Alchaka while striving to improve their martial arts skills and connection to the Force. Many Je'daii would joke that Alchaka was developed simply to stay warm at Stav Kesh. Weapons training was another subject taught at the temple, and Stav Kesh tested weapons developed by Vur Tepe, the Je'daii Forge. Around 27,987 BBY, Rupe held the position of Temple Master at Stav Kesh, and Vor'Dana became Temple Master at some point before 26,012 BBY. Vor'Dana was still Temple Master by 25,997 BBY, and during their tenure, the Je'daii fought and killed thirteen Sand Assassins in the Great Hall, a structure located deep within the mountains.
By 25,802 BBY, the Temple Master of Stav Kesh was Lha-Mi, a Talid, with the Noghri Tave serving as assistant Temple Master. Several years prior, Kin'ade, a Zabrak and one of the Je'daii Masters at Stav Kesh, developed a machine called the Darrow sphere. This sphere, a precursor to the training remote later used by the Jedi Order, served as a sparring partner for trainees, delivering stun charges upon contact. The sphere was heavily used at Stav Kesh, and one of Kin'ade's students nicknamed it "Je'daii's bane." In 25,802 BBY, Lanoree and Dalien Brock arrived at Stav Kesh and joined a group of Journeyers already being trained by the Temple's instructors. During a training session with the Darrow sphere, Dalien Brock, who was not Force-sensitive and actually disliked the Force, attempted to use a blaster against the sphere out of frustration, leading to chaos and near-fatal injuries for several trainees when the unskilled Brock fired aimlessly.

Brock lied about the incident when questioned, but despite his sister's objections, the Masters at the Temple sensed that Brock would never be a Je'daii and did not want to be one. The two spent several weeks at Stav Kesh before departing, and Dalien received separate training from Master Tave while the other Journeyers were taught the use of Force weapons by Kin'ade. On the final day that the Brocks and several Journeyers spent at the temple, they witnessed a demonstration fight between Lha-Mi and Tave in the Grand Hall before engaging in practice bouts themselves. By 25,793 BBY, Tave and Lha-Mi were still serving at Stav Kesh, with Tave overseeing the training of three Journeyers—Sek'nos Rath, Tasha Ryo, and Shae Koda—in the courtyards atop Stav Kesh.
Stav Kesh was initially depicted in preview issue 0 of the Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi comic series, and it was featured in both the first and sixth issues, as well as the related novel Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void.