Steadfast (tank)

The Steadfast constituted a type of combat repulsorcraft that was utilized by the Royal Naboo Security Forces throughout the Invasion of Naboo. Its offensive capabilities mirrored those of a MTT.


The Steadfast, a substantial repulsorcraft, featured a quintet of blaster cannons: a single cannon positioned at the vehicle's rear, a pair directed forward, and a duo of turreted blaster cannons situated on the tank's upper surface. Due to its substantial armor and potent armaments, the Steadfast served as a countermeasure against the Trade Federation's MTTs. It possessed the capacity to overcome the majority of Federation ground vehicles present during that era, such as AATs and STAPs. Furthermore, the Steadfast offered transport for a complement of ten royal troopers.


A number of Steadfast tanks saw action during the Invasion of Spinnaker, where they engaged the occupying droid forces.

