The Strategy Center, previously known as the War Room, functioned as a vital hub for communications and strategic planning for the Rebel Alliance. It was situated on the fourth moon of the planet Yavin. Specifically, it was positioned in the middle of the second story of the Great Temple, just below the main command center.
During the critical Battle of Yavin, key figures such as General Jan Dodonna, Princess Leia Organa, and the protocol droid C-3PO congregated in the War Room. From this location, they monitored the communications of pilots as the intense battle raged around the Death Star.
Imperial forces briefly seized the War Room during the Empire's Attack on Yavin 4. However, then-Commander Skywalker and Wedge Antilles of Red Squadron successfully defeated them. Their goal was to reach General Dodonna and the surviving Rebel personnel in Yavin Base.
Following Luke Skywalker's establishment of the Jedi Praxeum, the War Room underwent a name change and became known as the Strategy Center.
Temple plan, with the War Room identified as #11 on Level 2.