Street of Glory Prison Break

In the year 32 BBY, the Galactic Republic's governing body, known as the Galactic Senate, enacted legislation that mandated taxes on hyperspace routes leading to remote star systems. This decision ignited a commercial dispute between the Republic and the powerful megacorporation, the Trade Federation. This dispute rapidly escalated, resulting in a blockade of the planet Naboo, which was quickly followed by the Invasion of Naboo. During the occupation of Theed, Naboo's capital city, a group of students from the Royal House of Learning joined the ranks of the Naboo Underground, gaining recognition within the resistance for their daring actions.

While recovering from a prior operation, Lucos Dannt, the leader of the Naboo Underground, connected the students with Lialla Tane, a fellow resistance fighter. Tane, having heard about the students' courageous deeds, sought their assistance. She revealed that her parents, Minister of Culture Kyu Tane and his wife, were being detained by the Trade Federation in a prison camp located on the Street of Glory, in close proximity to Theed Royal Palace. Tane expressed grave concerns for her parents' well-being, as the Trade Federation was denying food to all prisoners. Because Tane was scheduled to participate in a different operation, she tasked the students with the responsibility of liberating her parents. She shared all available intelligence regarding the opposition they would encounter, including the presence of a B1-series battle droid patrol in the area. She informed the team that the prison was constructed using impenetrable portable energy barriers, and that two Neimoidians overseeing the facility possessed the means to deactivate an energy gate using a keypad. Upon reaching the Street of Glory, the students found themselves outside the prison. Approaching the Neimoidian overseers, they engaged in negotiations, successfully acquiring the gate code with relative ease. The students then shifted their focus to the pair of Security Droids guarding the gate. After neutralizing the droid guards, the students proceeded to unlock the prison. Inside the cell, they discovered the Tane family, along with four other Naboo citizens and a wounded pilot from the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps. Initially, the prisoners were wary of their would-be rescuers, and only the Tane family agreed to escape. However, the situation escalated when a patrol of four battle droids, alerted by the Neimoidians, arrived on the scene. The students were compelled to defeat the patrol, which finally convinced the remaining prisoners that they could be kept safe during the escape.

The students accompanied the freed prisoners back to the Naboo Underground, where Lialla and several other Underground members were joyfully reunited with their families.

Behind the scenes

This article draws its inspiration from Adventure 3: Rescue, a ready-to-play adventure featured in the Star Wars: Invasion of Theed Adventure Game, designed for simplified gameplay. The game set includes eight playable characters, though the adventures are tailored for four.

The adventure's storyline can unfold in various ways. Instead of attempting to bribe the Neimoidian overseers, players have the option to intimidate them, or engage them in combat. If the players fail to obtain the gate code from the Neimoidians, they can try to physically disable the lock, or employ slicing techniques to hack into the lock's computer and retrieve the password. While rescuing Lialla's parents is the sole requirement for successfully completing the mission, players earn additional experience points for each additional prisoner they manage to rescue.

