Supply Depot Thrago, found on the moon Thrago, functioned as a Chiss supply base. Its design reflected typical Chiss characteristics: simple, practical, and heavily defended. It possessed features such as turbolaser emplacements, a shield system, cannon towers, concealed strongholds, and a clawcraft bay with dual access points. The weapon emplacements were strategically positioned to create interlocking firing zones, while the bunkers and hangar were cleverly camouflaged, showcasing Chiss ingenuity. Nestled within a ridge between two prominent craters, the fighter bay featured entrances emerging from the crater slopes on either side. The landscape around the depot was dotted with cannon towers, expertly disguised as ordinary rocks. This location became the epicenter of the Swarm War. Under the leadership of Jacen Solo, a strike force attacked the depot with the intention of inciting the Chiss Ascendancy to engage in conflict against the Killiks.