
Surepp were creatures that the Alwari clans of Ansion raised as livestock. These animals possessed a unique visual system, featuring three eyes aligned vertically. The uppermost eye was adapted for spotting predators from above, the middle eye for forward vision, and the lowest eye for foraging on the ground. While this arrangement limited their peripheral vision, the sheer number of animals within a surepp herd compensated, providing ample visual coverage. Due to their size and the large herds they formed, predators seldom posed a significant threat. Valued by wealthier clans, surepp provided milk, meat, wool, and hides. Historically, their antlers and teeth were also utilized for crafting tools.

Male surepp were characterized by coiled antlers, blue fur, and distinctive dark neck ruffs. In contrast, females were slightly larger, exhibited green fur, and lacked the ruffs seen on the males. Albino surepp were exceptionally rare, occurring in less than one out of every thousand births.

During 22 BBY, a strand of fur originating from an albino surepp became the focal point of a challenge issued by the Borokii overclan's council of elders to four Jedi ambassadors: Masters Luminara Unduli and Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with Padawans Barriss Offee and Anakin Skywalker. The Jedi diplomats were tasked with acquiring this fur if they wished to be granted an audience to present the Jedi Council's proposal aimed at keeping Ansion, a world threatened by secession, within the Galactic Republic. Master Unduli spearheaded the effort to complete this difficult task, which nearly resulted in her death when she stumbled while traversing the backs of the surepp and fell into the middle of the herd. However, Kenobi and the Padawans, drawing upon the Force, managed to rescue her and secure the requested tuft of white surepp wool, enabling them to meet with the elders. Ultimately, the Jedi succeeded in their mission to broker a lasting peace between the Alwari overclans and the Unity of Community of Ansion, thus ensuring the planet remained a member of the Republic.

