Swift (clone trooper)

The Clone Wars saw a clone trooper sergeant in the Grand Army of the Republic known as Swift. Early in that conflict, he participated in a raid targeting the Tambor Deep Space Centre belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During this particular engagement, he commanded a squadron of clone troopers riding AT-RT walkers in an attempt to force their way into a bunker where the chief enemy mechanic, Gorgol the Handy, was sheltering. Gorgol responded by activating concealed defense turrets, which resulted in the elimination of Swift and his entire squadron.


Swift and his men are killed in battle.

Swift was the designation given to a specific clone originating from the planet Kamino, one of many created from the genetic material of the Human male bounty hunter Jango Fett for service within the Grand Army of the Republic. He attained the rank of clone trooper sergeant during the initial two years of the Clone Wars. In this time, under the leadership of Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu and Clone Commanders Cody and CC-6454, Swift participated in a Republic raid targeting the Tambor Deep Space Centre, a facility used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems for starship repairs. The Republic troops managed to gain control of the majority of the facility following intense combat, leaving only a small contingent of enemy forces barricaded within a heavily fortified security bunker.

Commander CC-2224, believing that a forceful entry was possible, directed Swift to lead a squadron of clone troopers on All Terrain Recon Transports to breach the bunker; Swift was of the opinion that the use of several thermal detonators would be sufficient to ensure success. However, as Swift and his team approached the bunker, hidden blaster turrets emerged from the ground, activated remotely by Gorgol the Handy, the Geonosian chief mechanic of the station who was positioned inside the bunker. Despite witnessing this, Swift remained determined to complete the mission and instructed his men to maintain their course. The turrets then opened fire, killing Swift and his entire squadron, a devastating outcome that left CC-2224 in shock and feeling responsible. Eventually, the two Jedi and the two Clone Commanders devised a strategy to draw Gorgol out of the bunker, leading to his successful capture.

Personality and traits

Sergeant Swift demonstrated a strong commitment to following orders and reaching the enemy bunker, even after observing the Separatists deploying blaster turrets. Despite his determination, he failed to accomplish his mission and met his end. Like all clone troopers, Swift shared the same height as his genetic template, Jango Fett, measuring 1.83 meters.

Behind the scenes

Swift's sole appearance occurred in the short comic The Droid Deception, authored by Robin Etherington, illustrated by Andres Ponce, and published in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.4 in February of 2010.

