The Synoptic teacher, created by Consolidated Learning Systems, functioned as a tool that enabled users to quickly acquire new information by directly transmitting data to the subconscious mind. Marketed as completely safe, the Synoptic Teacher could be employed while an individual was sleeping, embedding knowledge for rapid access.
Intended for widespread consumer use, the Synoptic teacher was built to function with a diverse selection of pre-made learning modules. These modules covered a broad spectrum of topics, including mechanical and technical repair skills, operation of vehicles and technical equipment, slicing and programming techniques, and knowledge cartridges encompassing languages, history, agriculture, business principles, and more.
The Synoptic teacher was shaped like a helmet, allowing for the insertion of individual data modules. The data transfer process occurred during sleep, lasting between 15 and 30 minutes. The user's ability to retain and process the data varied based on the module's complexity and the user's existing knowledge. For example, someone with no prior slicing experience would struggle to learn programming, while an experienced slicer could readily master a new computer language using the Synoptic teacher.