Systems Army Delta

The Systems Army Delta functioned as one of ten Systems Armies that together formed the Grand Army of the Republic during the period known as the Clone Wars.


Comprising 294,912 clone troopers, the Systems Army Delta was under the command of a High Jedi General. This command position was held by a member of the Jedi High Council at this organizational level. This particular Systems Army was structured from two Sector Armies.

The name Systems Army Delta originated from the Tionese letter known as Delta.

Historical Information

Systems Armies Delta, Epsilon and Zeta divided the northern quadrant of the galaxy into six Sector Armies

During the Clone Wars conflict, Systems Armies Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta were strategically positioned within the northern quadrant of the galaxy. These three distinct Systems Armies were further subdivided, creating six Sector Armies: specifically, the Seventh Army, the Eighth Army, the Ninth Army, the Tenth Army, the Eleventh Army, and the Twelfth Army.

Primary Sources

  • The Written Word on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available) (First mentioned)
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare

Additional Information
