Tal'cara, a city of great importance, served as the capital of the planet known as Kothlis. Within its boundaries was a facility belonging to the Spynet. The Havocs, a notorious swoop gang, raided and plundered this city during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
Maxeena Sov'lya operated as a crime boss in the region, overseeing protection schemes and illicit trade within its confines.
In the Shadows of the Empire Planets Guide, a map depicting Tal'cara is present, but strangely, it bears the label "Kla'taal." This designation, Kla'taal, lacks any further reference within the guide's text or any other related sources. Consequently, this article interprets Kla'taal as being identical to Tal'cara, perhaps an initial designation that persisted despite not being updated before the guide's release.