
Tapas represented a Force technique enabling its practitioner to tap into the power inherent in the Force to maintain a warmed state, even when exposed to frigid conditions. Jacen Solo, a Jedi Knight, famously employed this Force-based ability, combining it with a Force shield during the Battle of Ebaq in the year 28 ABY, which allowed him to endure the atmospheric loss within a mining facility.


Tapas, the skill of preserving a warm body temperature within a cold environment, depended on the user's focused concentration on the Force to effectively conserve their natural body heat.


Jedi individuals employed Tapas to maintain their body temperature in inhospitable settings, such as the depths of vacuum. Any Force-attuned individual familiar with Tapas could utilize the Force to stay warm when confronted with cold environments.


Jacen Solo, a Jedi Knight, demonstrated the use of Tapas, employing this ability during the Battle of Ebaq during the Yuuzhan Vong War in 28 ABY. After Vergere, his mentor, crashed an RZ-1 A-wing interceptor into the Ebaq 9 moon, dying upon impact and causing the mines where Solo was fighting to lose their atmosphere, he was compelled to use Tapas alongside a Force shield to survive the resulting depressurization. He experienced difficulty in concentrating on Tapas while simultaneously maintaining the Force shield that contained his air supply, leading him to shiver. He was able to persevere with the assistance of Vergere's spirit until rescuers arrived.

Behind the scenes

Tapas was initially featured in Walter Jon Williams's 2002 Star Wars: The New Jedi Order novel, Destiny's Way.

