The address known as the Testament of Varner Hilts, alternatively titled Slaves No More: The inglorious past and glorious destiny of the Lost Tribe of the Sith, was a discourse given to the leaders of the Lost Tribe of Sith by their Grand Lord, Varner Hilts, on Testament Day in the year 2974 BBY. This speech occurred after Hilts' return from Alanciar, a continent on Kesh that had recently been conquered, two millennia after the Tribe's forebears arrived on Kesh during the Great Hyperspace War. Hilts' actual oration detailed the slave origins of the Lost Tribe's Humans under the dominion of the Sith species. A sanitized version of this speech was distributed among the Keshiri inhabitants of Kesh.
Within this text, Hilts revealed that the Lost Tribe was actually descended from Human slaves who had become stranded on Kesh in 5000 BBY. He further elaborated on how the tribe's founder, Yaru Korsin, had deceived the native Keshiri by appropriating a historical conflict called the Great Calamity, a war between the Protectors and Destructors. The Lost Tribe falsely claimed to be the ancient Protectors. A considerable portion of Hilts' writing was dedicated to explaining the Hilts Restoration and his strategies for re-establishing the ancient system established by Korsin. He championed a merit-based system for political advancement and rejected warfare. While Hilts considered assassinations a tolerable minor offense, he viewed civil war as detrimental and unproductive for the Tribe's political foundations.
Lastly, Hilts presented a plan for maritime exploration, involving the investigation of lands and seas beyond the primary continent of Keshtah Minor. He also described ongoing colonization efforts in Alanciar, a continent abundant in timber, which would provide materials for constructing a fleet of wooden vessels. Hilts concluded by expressing his hope that the Tribe would endure until they rediscovered interstellar travel, enabling them to conquer the galaxy.
Slaves No More was featured as an existing plot element within Lost Tribe of the Sith—Spiral 1, which was released on August 8, 2012.