Thaddeus Wolk, a Gungan scientist and professor, stood as the foremost authority on theoretical hyperspace physics throughout the High Republic Era. Having previously served as an instructor at the Academy of Carida, he once taught Chancey Yarrow. Yarrow, who proposed the idea of a man-made gravity-well projector capable of yanking starships from hyperspace, was ultimately expelled from the academy due to her concepts being viewed as insane. Some time afterward, following accounts of the Nihil forcibly removing ships from hyperspace within the Berenge sector, Wolk came to the conclusion that Yarrow had joined forces with the marauders to bring her idea to life, and he became determined to thwart her. Despite his suspicions being accurate—Yarrow was indeed the architect behind the Gravity's Heart space station for the Nihil—Wolk never witnessed his theory validated; the professor met his end, assassinated on the planet Coruscant.