The Draw

title: The Draw

The short story called "The Draw" was penned by Angela Phillips and initially appeared in Star Wars Adventure Journal 15, published by West End Games in November of 1997.

Summary of the Plot

Following a six-month resupply mission, Mair Koda makes her way back to Vernet. As she is landing at Maz-Verlin, she takes note of a newly constructed facility's lights, situated on the northern edge of the city. After her ship touches down, she encounters several Maz-Verlin inhabitants, among them Lorne Turvey and Pursey Vermilla. Koda's stepfamily also arrives to collect their provisions. Koda inquires of her step-brother, Yuri Stonelaw, about the whereabouts of his older brother, Kristoff Stonelaw. Her step-father informs her that Kristoff now has different responsibilities. Puzzled, she presses him for more information but is simply told that things have shifted and that he will elaborate during dinner. Koda tidies up aboard her light freighter, the Blue Boy, and prepares to go to her step-parents' residence. She observes that the city streets seem deserted. Yuri appears at her ship, revealing that the Empire has established a presence on Vernet and has drafted all the young men into service. He implores Koda to assist him in rescuing his older brother. Koda cautions him about the potential dangers and urges her step-brother to consider the ramifications. He sways her to help him and she consents to take Kristoff off-world.

Later that evening, Yuri infiltrates the Vernet Imperial Army Training Camp by swimming beneath the camp's perimeter field. As he gets ready to move further inside, he spots another figure emerging from the creek. Recognizing that the person is wearing Imperial scout trooper armor, he attempts to shoot at them but misses. The figure removes their helmet, revealing Koda in disguise. She explains to Yuri that the armor will aid them in navigating the camp unnoticed and will conceal her female identity. As they proceed towards the barracks, Yuri wonders if his brother might be brainwashed and unwilling to leave the camp. Upon reaching the barracks, Koda takes up a position as guard outside while Yuri sneaks inside to rouse his brother. When he does, he tries to persuade him to leave, but Kristoff refuses. Outside, Koda is discovered by a patrolling guard and is questioned about the security pass phrase. Lacking the knowledge of the phrase, she stuns the guard and flees into the darkness.

The shot awakens all the cadets, and Yuri is able to escape amidst the confusion. He takes cover in a nole tree while the camp's inhabitants rush to locate him. Once the area is clear, he heads back to the creek to sneak out of the camp. Kristoff, having figured out where his brother infiltrated the camp, confronts him and declares his belief in the Empire and his willingness to serve. Yuri attempts to persuade him to leave, but Kristoff refuses. He informs his younger brother that he must take him to his commanding officer and that Yuri will be punished. Koda reaches under the perimeter force field and pulls Yuri to safety.

Returning to town, Koda discovers that the spaceport has been locked down at the Imperials' request. Disregarding this, she escapes into hyperspace with her younger step-brother. She provides comfort as he grieves over the loss of his brother, but she assures him that since Kristoff didn't shoot them, there's a chance he might still reject the Empire.
