The Final Order and the Battle of Exegol

title: The Final Order and the Battle of Exegol

This reference volume, titled "The Final Order and the Battle of Exegol," was released by Altaya on January 8, 2021. It represents the twelfth installment in the Star Wars Encyclopedia collection.

Publisher's Synopsis

Against all odds, Emperor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, who was universally presumed deceased, had not only survived the Battle of Endor but had also dedicated the subsequent decades to developing a scheme designed to reinstate his galactic dominion, should it succeed. With the First Order serving as a mere instrument and possessing a seemingly unbeatable, formidable new fleet, victory appeared assured. However, Palpatine's strategy neglected to consider the tenacity of the Resistance and the unwavering determination of its members, including his own granddaughter, Rey. Although the resistance fighters seemed outmatched, the fate of the galaxy, as it had two decades prior, rested on a pivotal confrontation on the concealed world of Exegol, which dramatically altered the course of events.

