The Official Star Wars Fact File Part 13, which came out in 2014, represents the thirteenth installment of the re-envisioned The Official Star Wars Fact File series.
- The Tantive IV Crisis (0 BBY 1–6) (Tantive IV)
- Grievous' MagnaGuards (MAG1–2)
- Droids for Medical Assistance (MED3–4)
- Chewbacca (CHE1–6)
- Imperial Stormtroopers (STO1–4)
- Gha Nachkt (NAC1–2)
- The Private Offices of Palpatine (COR13–14)
- Grievous' Cybernetic Body (GRI1–2)
- Koensayr BTL-A4 Y-wing (YWI1–2)