The Shoals designated a Quarren community located within Lamaredd.
Approximately five centuries prior to the Battle of Naboo, a collection of Quarren, Mon Calamari, alongside aliens from various other amphibious species, found themselves drawn to establish residence in Bartyn's Landing, a town situated on the coast of Lamaredd, to engage in the profession of fishing. The terms of their agreement proved to be less favorable than initially anticipated, as Hugo Bartyn, the proprietor of Bartyn's Landing, engaged in deceitful practices and outright enslaved the newly arrived immigrants. Inter-species conflict became a frequent occurrence, exacerbated by the city's congested environment and the pre-existing animosity between the Quarren and Mon Calamari populations.
A significant contingent of Quarren people engaged Bartyn, requesting authorization to establish their own independent fishing village, while still maintaining their employment under his authority. Bartyn responded by granting them a lease for a tract of land situated on the opposite side of the bay. Subsequently, the Quarren people proceeded to develop their own settlement, which came to be known as the Shoals.