The Star Wars: From The Adventures of Luke Starkiller

Star Wars: From The Adventures of Luke Starkiller represents the film script's third iteration, which eventually evolved into Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. This version was finalized on August 1, 1975.

Opening crawl

Plot summary

Above the world of Utapau, stormtroopers under the command of Darth Vader (a Dark Lord of the Sith serving as the Emperor's right-hand man) seize control of a rebel spaceship and begin a search operation for the blueprints of the Empire's "Death Star" weapon. Leia Organa, a young rebel princess, is captured by the Imperial forces, but she steadfastly refuses to disclose the location of the stolen data. From the wastelands of Utapau, a young farm boy by the name of Luke Starkiller witnesses the space engagement through his "electrobinoculars," but his account is met with disbelief by his acquaintances in Anchorhead, who dismiss it as mere fantasy. Luke holds his friend Biggs Darklighter, a recent graduate of the academy turned startrooper cadet, in high regard, experiencing both admiration and envy. Prior to the princess's capture, two robots, See Threepio (a "Human Cyborg relations droid" of considerable height) and Artoo Detoo (a compact, beeping tripod), escape the rebel vessel, crash-landing in the Utapau desert. Artoo is carrying the Death Star schematics and a message from Leia in his internal storage. The two "droids" are then captured by "Jawa" scavengers and transported to the Lars homestead, the residence of Luke, his Aunt Beru, and Uncle Owen. Owen purchases the robots from the Jawas, prompting Luke to consider applying to the academy, now that the farm has two additional droids. Luke is disappointed to learn that his academy savings were used to buy the robots, wishing his deceased Jedi father were present. While cleaning Artoo, Luke discovers the holographic message, where Leia requests the droids be delivered to Organa Major, mentioning her capture and imprisonment on Alderaan.

Luke decides to leave home with the droids, seeking assistance from General Ben Kenobi, a Jedi Knight previously mentioned by his father. After an attack by "Tusken Raiders," Luke is rescued by old Ben, who initially declines to get involved due to his age, demonstrating his point by breaking his artificial arm. Ben eventually reconsiders, but due to his diminished connection to the Force, he begins teaching Luke about the Force of Others as they journey with the droids toward Mos Eisley spaceport. On Alderaan, Vader and his fellow Sith Lords sense an ancient power awakening, amplifying the Force. After using his "laser-sword" to defend Luke from creatures in a Mos Eisley cantina, Ben and his companions are led by a furry "Wookiee" named Chewbacca to a nearby docking bay. There, they meet Han Solo, a confident starpilot who agrees to transport them to Organa Major for a hefty fee. Han deceives a group of pirates—including Jabba the Hutt, the financier of his vessel—into vacating the docking area. As the heroes depart Mos Eisley, Jabba is left behind, seething with anger. While aboard the ship, Ben senses a terrible event, and upon reaching Organa Major, they discover that the planet has been annihilated by the Empire. Their new mission is to rescue the princess from the Imperial city of Alderaan in order to locate the rebels.

Upon arriving at Alderaan, their ship is boarded by stormtroopers, but only Threepio is discovered, as the others are concealed within scan-proof lockers. Luke and Han disguise themselves in stormtrooper uniforms, and with Chewbacca acting as their prisoner, they head towards the detention area. They cause chaos, locate the tortured Leia, and the princess takes control of the situation. After evading a "Dia Nogu" monster, they descend through a chute leading to a garbage masher, where they are rescued by the droids. Ben uses the Force and his laser-sword to retrieve one of the Kiber Crystals, but he encounters Vader on his return journey, leading to a duel. As the others reach the hangar, Ben closes a blast door between himself and Vader, allowing everyone to escape in Han's ship. Four pursuing "tie" fighters are destroyed, and the ship arrives at the Massassi outpost on the fourth moon of Yavin, where the rebels are planning an assault on the approaching Death Star. The plans contained within Artoo reveal a "thermal exhaust port" as the station's vulnerability. Han departs after receiving his payment, while Luke requests a place in the battle as his reward. As the attack goes poorly for the rebels, Luke approaches the target with the Kiber Crystal in his possession. Sensing the Force within Luke, Vader pursues him in his fighter, but Han's ship suddenly appears, firing and causing the Sith Lord to collide with his wingman.

With Vader's ship spiraling out of control, Luke launches a torpedo into the exhaust port, resulting in the Death Star's destruction. During a ceremony at the outpost, Luke, Artoo, Threepio, Han, and Chewbacca are awarded gold medallions.

